Category: Fishy Science

How To: Build a LED Panel for a Shuttle-Box

A shuttle-box system is a classic behavioral setup in which an animal can shuttle between two compartments that offer different environmental conditions. It is a useful tool to assess animals’ environmental preferences and or avoidance thresholds. Good lighting of the setup is a basic, but important component of the...

Electric Fish pt. I – They can talk!

“Electric fish?” you might say, shrug, and think about a glow-in-the-dark goldfish for the bedside table or a radio controlled robofish. But that would be far off! You might know that there’s the electric eel. It can zap and stun prey with up to 800V and – this is...

The Birth of Fuzzy

Written by BLD.  My first encounter with fuzzy logic was in the context of geoinformation systems. The membership of a geo-object within a particular class can be determined using fuzzy logic (that is what I learned). But what is fuzzy logic? Well, before fuzzy logic, there were “fuzzy sets,”...

The Fallacy of Empathy

Written by SM We feel like we understand animals best when they show human-like behavior. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. It is 6am and I have to get ready for work. As I sip on my coffee, I watch our dog giving the heartiest of...